
Sunday, March 29, 2015

Report: Lubitz tweeted "A Germany in which religious feelings have more rights than the meaning of freedom - is not my Germany"

Andreas Lubitz, the co-pilot of the Germanwings plane who deliberately crashed in the Alps on Tuesday killing 150 people, retweeted (actually looks more like shared on Facebook) the photo above, with the caption "A Germany in which religious feelings have more rights than the meaning of freedom - is not my Germany." (Hat Tip: Mike K).

And the New York Times reported on Friday that Lubitz "lived, at least part time, with his parents. Mr. Lubitz’s mother was an organist at a Protestant church near the town center.”

Mike K adds:
Here is the sad, but probably true story.

He is not a murderer or Muslim.
He took medications which overcame him as he flew.  The Pharmaceuticals do not tell the public all the
side-effects of their meds.  They put people into murderous, zombie like states.  Most school shooters were
on anti-depressants.
There is every reason to believe that this guy may have been overcome by his medications. Medications
which are legal for pilots to take.  The FAA allows pilots to fly on SSRI anti-deressants  (Click Here)
SSRI medications are chemically similar to LSD-25.   He could have had a flash back without warning.
He did not say Allahu Aqbar.  Those are the magic words required to get 72 virgins. So he was probably
NOT Muslim.
His heart rate remained steady.  Not something one would expect from a man soon expecting death.
His medication probably did this to him, or a medical condition.
Morally, his culpability may be minor or non-existent.
Fox News reported on how dangerous these meds are
The Pharmaceutical Companies may be the guilty parties.  They do not warn the public that these SSRIs can be dangerous.


  1. Perhaps a periodic drug test together with psychological testing for piloting crew should be mandatory.
    I would not want my safety to be in the hands of anyone who requires ANY psychoactive drugs to function.
    Discrimination be damned, I want my safety assured as much as possible.

  2. Perhaps a periodic drug test together with psychological testing for piloting crew should be mandatory.
    I would not want my safety to be in the hands of anyone who requires ANY psychoactive drugs to function.
    Discrimination be damned, I want my safety assured as much as possible.

  3. So, his ethnic surname could be Jewish. You know that right?

  4. Gary Anderson,

    These days almost any ethnic surname could be Jewish. I even know a Jew (Orthodox no less) whose last name is Anderson.

    But it seems that Lubitz was at least born Protestant. Whether he converted to Islam remains to be seen.

    Whether Lubitz converted to Islam is something I doubt the politically correct mainstream media would cover except to deny it, which is why I post claims to that effect here even if some would consider the sources 'unreliable.' I do try not to sole source when I know the source to have been unreliable in the past.

  5. As a psychiatrist with 30+ years experience, I reject Mike K's speculations about the hypothesized role of antidepressants in causing Lubitz' suicide/mass murder. More details are even now emerging, viz., he was losing or believed he was losing his eyesight, breakup of relationship initiated with likely pregnant girlfriend very recently, etc., which far more probably contributed to this man's behavior.

  6. Charles I find the lack of awareness and tolerance for your own cognitive dissonance stunning especially as you are a psychiatrist.
    You REJECT Mike K's hypothesis outright and then go on to say that Lubitz's tragic actions are FAR MORE PROBABLY caused by some element or combination of elements of his personal life crisis. Have you considered how fast you came to the conclusion that antidepressants could not have been the tipping point catalyst? Seriously I am curious how an educated person came to the conclusion that the side effect of suicidal ideation had no relevant role in this tragedy... Do you dispute that some SSRI's/ antidepressants/ ADHD medications can increase suicidal/homicidal ideation in some people? If not then how can we REJECT the hypothesis that medication side effect may have played a role? I understand that medication has been a psychiatrists main tool for decades and the resistance to change is monumental but surely you understand the damage that denial can do...

  7. Charles I find the lack of awareness and tolerance for your own cognitive dissonance stunning especially as you are a psychiatrist.
    You REJECT Mike K's hypothesis outright and then go on to say that Lubitz's tragic actions are FAR MORE PROBABLY caused by some element or combination of elements of his personal life crisis. Have you considered how fast you came to the conclusion that antidepressants could not have been the tipping point catalyst? Seriously I am curious how an educated person came to the conclusion that the side effect of suicidal ideation had no relevant role in this tragedy... Do you dispute that some SSRI's/ antidepressants/ ADHD medications can increase suicidal/homicidal ideation in some people? If not then how can we REJECT the hypothesis that medication side effect may have played a role? I understand that medication has been a psychiatrists main tool for decades and the resistance to change is monumental but surely you understand the damage that denial can do... There are people for whom these medications will actually increase the agony and lead to a deadly conclusion please ask yourself why the need to so effectively deny the possibility that these medications can have very dangerous results.

  8. Anonymous11:34 AM

    To have a person who is taking psychiatric drugs and is depressed to fly an airplane is NOT a good idea.
