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Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Report: Obama's National Security Adviser refuses to meet with Israel's ambassador to the United States

The Obama administration claims to be the most pro-Israel administration ever. The facts belie that claim. Here's another one: Obama's National Security Adviser, Susan Rice, refuses to meet with Israel's Ambassador to the United States, Ron Dermer. Dermer has been in Washington for six months and has yet to meet with Rice.
Dermer, a close associate of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has been in Washington since October and presented his credentials to Obama in December. Nonetheless, and in a departure from the practice of previous national security advisers and previous Israeli envoys, Rice has not met with him.
Dermer has been identified with Republican politics in the past. He was a protégé of Republican pollster Frank Luntz and helped firm Netanyahu’s ties to American Republicans. In the 2012 election, while working for Netanyahu, he helped arrange Republican candidate Mitt Romney’s campaign visit to Israel. According to the liberal-leaning The New Republic, Dermer "epitomized the Netanyahu government’s hostility to Barack Obama and his administration."
Israel Radio's diplomatic analyst, Chico Menashe, reported that prior to naming him ambassador to Washington, Netanyahu's people checked with the White House to ensure that Dermer's past affiliation would not pose a problem. They were reportedly assured that it would not.
Dermer did meet in recent months with Rice's deputies.
This past weekend, Dermer addressed a Las Vegas meeting of the Republican Jewish Coalition, a group funded by gambling billionaire Sheldon Adelson.
Also taking part in the event were four Republican potential presidential candidates, including former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.
In response to a question whether Rice was boycotting Dermer, officials in Washington said the ambassador had not asked for a meeting with Rice.
It amazes me that they even had to check....

Maybe Dermer hasn't asked for a meeting because the protocol is that Rice is supposed to ask. Or maybe he doesn't want to ask and be told no. 

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