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Monday, April 07, 2014

Oh my... Hanin Zoabi's relative is... a ZIONIST!

I'm sure you all remember Hanin Zoabi, the 'Israeli Arab' MK from the Balad party, who is famous for, among other things, being a passenger on the Mavi Marmara terror ship and meeting with Hamas. Zoabi has a Muslim relative named Mohamed, who is 16-years old and an ardent Zionist.

Let's go to the videotape.

And what does Hanin Zoabi have to say about her young, Zionist relative?
MK Hanin Zoabi (Balad) responded to Muhammad's pro-Israel Facebook page and video by saying that “the state of Israel has trained him into obedience. Sometimes, the oppressed identifies with the oppressor because he lacks pride and political awareness.”
Muhammad is unfazed by such statements and vows to “stand with the Jewish people until the last day of my life.”
Hanin ought to go live in 'Palestine' for a while. Oh... wait... she couldn't be an MK there, could she?

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At 7:21 PM, Blogger Sunlight said...

Wow. And I have a question that I don't even know how to ask without offending, because I for sure don't want to... So, what is the census set up... my best friends in Israel's families immigrated to Israel from Yemen, Morocco, Iraq, etc. How would that go with this guy's beginning identity list? Maybe it is even one more level of confluence inside Israel than Muhammad indicates in his category hierarchy? Or, even more accurately, it is a matrix table... We need a book from Muhammad Zoabi's mom. And from him as the years go by. Excellent.


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