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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Netanyahu accepts 'linkage'

Yes, I know, this is the same article I blogged two hours ago, but I want to consider it from a different perspective. Consider this:
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu directed Construction and Housing Minister Uri Ariel to “reconsider” preliminary plans for some 24,000 housing units beyond the Green Line, saying the move would harm efforts to stop Iran’s nuclear program.
It appears that our Prime Minister has now accepted 'linkage,' the doctrine that President Hussein Obama tried to foist upon us nearly five years ago, which says that the entire Middle East revolves around the 'Palestinian question,' and therefore there can be no coordinated response against Iran unless and until Israel facilitates the creation of a 'Palestinian' reichlet in our midst.

Forget that the Saudis and other countries fear a nuclear Iran as much as we do.

Forget that the 'Palestinians' have turned down a 'state' on any kind of reasonable terms more times than you can count.

Forget that the 'Palestinians' and Iran share the same goal: To extirpate the Jewish state.

Netanyahu has now chosen his poison: He is willing to risk the 'Palestinians' destroy us slowly and painfully from within (God forbid) instead of allowing the Iranians one shot to destroy us from without (God forbid). He will give the 'Palestinians' their reichlet, and then hope that his masters in Washington stop Iran and allow him to stop the 'Palestinians' from wiping us out.

What could go wrong?

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