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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

They want to draft Haredim, don't they?

The government says it wants more Haredim to serve in the IDF and the IDF says that it's happy to have them. But when it comes to putting your money where your mouth is, there's something missing. The IDF is cutting the budget for Nachal Charedi, the largest unit in the IDF and the only religiously observant combat unit. Specifically, they're cutting the budget for the third year of service.

Israel Hayom has learned that the IDF's Personnel Directorate recently informed Nahal Haredi commanders that the army intends to cut the budget it allocates toward the soldiers' third year of service. The third year is important to Nahal Haredi soldiers because that is when they become eligible to complete their high-school matriculation exams and participate in professional training courses.

Sources in Nahal Haredi said the cuts could lead to a crisis.

"We were told it was decided that the budget would be cut for the operational year, so that it will only exist for eight months," a source said.
"During this year the soldiers receive professional training and complete their high-school matriculation on the army's budget. Additionally, they receive food and lodging. These are things that attract the haredim to the army. They know that after their service they are citizens like everyone else, and that they have a chance to find a profession on the outside."
Maybe they only want the Haredim to serve in the IDF, but they really don't care if they find jobs or collect welfare afterward?

Maybe the IDF is tired of being the state's nanny and making sure all these kids are fit for employment, and the army will cut its budget for high school matriculation exams (something it shouldn't be doing in the first place, in my humble opinion, unless the army if volunteer and it's an employment benefit, but if they're going to do it for everyone else, they should do it for Haredim too) in all army units?

Can anyone think of another explanation?

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