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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

“The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars. But in ourselves, that we are underlings.”

I'm passing on verbatim an email I just received from Dan Friedman in New York. Dan has added his own comment at the top.
[The notion that “American pressure” motivates Israel’s many strategic blunders may have held water 25 years ago, but now it’s just a convenient excuse that serves the purpose of various parties in Israel and the Diaspora, on the Left and on the Right. Today, “Friends of Israel” in the USA and elsewhere need to stop patronizing the Jewish state and start treating her like a country strong and smart enough to determine its destiny. In short, a nation which has its own fate in its own hands. What got me to thinking about this was an email from an Israeli I know that just landed in my mail: df]
Israel is NOT different from Sri Lanka as a sovereign state. The fact that we allowed cowards, traitors, liars and associated murderers of Jews in "partnership" de facto with the enemy, is the reason of our predicament. We have a military...ahem... that can only attack Jews. Pray tell about ONE definitive military operation WON irreversibly by the "idf' since Oslo.

If that is not bad enough they support the release of murderers of Jews. Destroy Jewish farms, homes and detain w/o cause hundreds of Jews.

NO one in the general staff is a true soldier. All are carefully selected political generals working for the unJews. And closely guided by foreign powers in particular their controllers in the US.

Rubber bullets? foam rubber bullets? paint balls?, white paint loaded tank ordnance?

Boulder bombings? Empty shed bombings?

The garbage has found thousands of reasons to allow Iran to advance.

Please lets stop hiding behind "double standards".

Egypt's military correctly assessed and acted and very much dumped the US at that.

The Jewish people must either grow some or call it a day.

In a few hours we will see what is arguably the most resounding slap against the Jewish people by filthy cowards traitors starting from Peres and Netanyahu and down the line to all the ministeres and Ya'alon and his deviant pseudo generals in and out of uniform in particular.

Only mental basket cases would allow that filth to send our kids as soldiers to risk their lives to detain islamic monsters. And then calmly observe the degenerates up there releasing the murderers by the thousands and educating them in the interim. Only idiots would accede to that.

No "double standards" from outside causes that.

Unadulterated garbage here does.
Harsh but unfortunately true.

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At 4:07 PM, Blogger InMemoryOf Yossi said...

Basically, his assessment is pure genius. If anyone wants to avoid military service, they claim pakuach nefesh. They don't want to be murdered by terrorists released by the state!


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