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Sunday, August 04, 2013

Delta Airlines bows to BDS, gets rid of Kosher snack on flights to Israel

It's been about two years now since Delta Airlines allowed Saudi Arabian Airlines to join its Sky Miles program. That event caused such a scandal that Delta, which is one of three airlines that flies directly from the US to Israel (El Al and Continental/United are the others), was forced to promise that they would never ask for their passengers' religious affiliations.

Now, it is reported that, prodded by BDS'ers, Delta has agreed to stop serving a Halva snack, supervised by Jerusalem's Badatz Eida Haredith on its flights to and from Israel, because the snack is manufactured in the Barkan industrial zone in Samaria (Hat Tip: Ze'ev).

Who Profits, a research project of the Tel Aviv-based Coalition of Women for Peace, learned that Delta Air Lines will stop serving the Ahva Vanilla Halva bar, three weeks after a customer filed a complaint with the company’s legal department.
In the copy of Delta’s email to the customer that I received from Who Profits, Delta Air Lines writes:
From: Delta Customer Care <custrel@delta.com>
Date: Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 8:00 PM
Subject: Delta Air Lines (KMM25201657V70362L0KM)
To: [redacted]
RE: Case Number # [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]
We are in receipt of your letter to the Delta Law Department dated July 2, 2013 and the subsequent communication sent on July 25, 2013. We apologize for the delay in our response.
Delta has notified our local catering company to discontinue serving the Vanilla Halva bar in meals onboard Delta flights from Israel.
Please let us know if you have any additional questions or concerns.
Specialist, Corporate Customer Care
Delta Air Lines
WhoProfits (whoprofits.org) did not release the name of the customer, at the customer’s request.
The source of the report is Ali Abunimah's anti-Semitic Electronic Intifada. They claim that they contacted  Delta and that Delta had no comments about this report.

I have not flown Delta at all since 2005, and I have never flown them between the US and Israel. You can bet I won't start now. And you shouldn't either. I'm waiting to see how much longer it takes before Delta tries to give up the routes to Israel.

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