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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Only in Israel: Women (rights) gone wild

This could only happen in Israel. With a woman (Tzipi Livni) heading the 'negotiations' with the 'Palestinians,' Prime Minister Netanyahu is being pressured to ensure that half of the negotiating team consists of women.
The group, made up of feminist organizations and activists, including WIZO and Na'amat, based its name on UN Resolution 1325, which urged member states to give women a role "in the prevention and resolution of conflicts, peace negotiations, peace-building, peacekeeping, humanitarian response and in post-conflict reconstruction, and stresses the importance of their equal participation and full involvement in all efforts for the maintenance and promotion of peace and security."

"Resolution 1325" wrote to remind Netanyahu of the UN decision and that the 1951 Equal Rights for Women Law includes equality in all government teams, including those that negotiate treaties.

"Our request that women from different population groups be represented [in peace talks] includes the hope to bring different points of view to the table that were not previously there in peace-making efforts," the letter reads.

The group expressed hope that the implementation of Israeli and international law will send a message to the general public that it is necessary to include women in major diplomatic decisions.
Yes, that'll make it all right - if half the negotiating team is women. Sorry, but no. This is a time for the best person available (who is trusted by the government) without regard to their sex or any other defining characteristic.

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