
Monday, June 10, 2013

#Tomorrow13 A Muslim talks about Israel's President's conference

Next week, I will be attending the annual President's Conference here in Jerusalem for the third time (maybe even the fourth). One of the speakers will be Raheel Raza, the President of the Council of Muslims Facing Tomorrow. Raheel received a letter from a 'Palestinian in Vancouver' urging Raheel to boycott the conference. She wrote this piece in response.
My response to my Palestinian friend is that the first time I was invited to speak at this conference three years ago, I went, hesitantly, not knowing what it was all about. I was so enthused by both my visit to Israel and the conference that I wrote extensively about the experience on my blog, and later named my own Not-for-Profit Organization "Muslims Facing Tomorrow" with an idea that one day, I would host a similar conference about ideas and a vision for a better tomorrow.
Upon my return, I praised the country and the people, but many of my Muslim friends were not interested in knowing these details. They only asked, "Were there any Palestinians at the conference and was the Israel-Palestinian issue discussed?" I was happy to respond that yes, there were Palestinians at the conference; I had even brought home a book on Islam from one of the Palestinian speakers there.
About human rights violations: granted that Israel, like every other country, has violations -- but far fewer than those of the countries surrounding it. Israel is still the only liberal democracy in the area where one can find gender equality and freedom for its citizens. During my visits to Israel, I have, in fact, questioned Israeli Arabs and found that they are loath to leave the country where they enjoy freedom and human rights.


My problem is that I am from Pakistan, a country where the word human rights has no meaning or recognition whatsoever. According to the Human Rights Watch World Report on Pakistan for 2012, Pakistan had a disastrous year -- including increasing attacks on civilians by militant groups, religious minorities facing unprecedented insecurity and persecution, and where freedom of belief and expression are coming under severe threat as the presence of Islamists has grown by leaps and bounds. This does not even begin to address violations against women.
The Aurat Foundation, a local women's rights group in Pakistan, says the number of incidents of violence against women in Pakistan has increased at least seven percent over the past year.
But I have never seen or heard a Palestinian speak out about these human rights violations; take part in demonstrations or boycotts for these offences, or show support for the cause of Pakistani women. Where were their voices when Christians and Shias were being killed and brutalized in Pakistan just a few months ago? No one asked me to cancel my annual visits to Pakistan, but I did lodge a complaint against my own land of birth at the UNHRC, so I may not be travelling back there soon.


In ending let me say this to my Palestinian friend: The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is over land, and can be solved when both sides recognize one another and, as equals, then have a dialogue. This means that, like me, you have to accept that Israel has a right to exist. It is not the only conflict related to Muslims. If you want justice for those facing criminal human rights violations, then speak out against Sudan, Egypt, Burma, China, Iran and all other countries who regularly persecute their own citizens.

Read the whole thing.

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