
Friday, June 07, 2013

Fox volunteers to guard hen house

There's a volunteer to replace the Austrian contingent in the disengagement force on the Golan Heights. There's just one small problem: It's the Russians.
President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that Russia is ready to send peacekeepers to the Golan Heights to replace Austrian forces after Vienna said it would recall its troops from a UN monitoring force due to worsening fighting in Syria.

"We could replace the leaving Austrian contingent in this region on the border between Israeli troops and the Syrian army," Putin told the RIA Novosti news agency.
Following the battles at Quneitra in Syria early on Thursday morning, Austria announced it was withdrawing its troops that serve in the UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) in the Golan.
On Thursday, Israel demanded that the United Nations replace the Austrian soldiers as soon as possible.
Sounds to me like the fox guarding the hen house. What could go wrong?

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