
Friday, May 31, 2013

So maybe Assad was bluffing

Maybe Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was bluffing when he gave an interview to Hezbullah's al-Manar television - which was broadcast on Thursday night - indicating that Syria already has the Russian S-300 anti-missile system. Two Russian newspapers are reporting on Friday that Syria will not have the S-300  before 2014.
Russia is scheduled to deliver the S-300 anti-aircraft missiles to Syria next year, two Russian newspapers reported on Friday, rejecting claims the missiles had already been transferred to the regime of President Bashar Assad, according to AFP.

The Vedomosti cited a Russia defense source as saying it was unclear if the weapons would be delivered to Syria this year, while the Kommersant quoted a source as saying the delivery was only planned for the second quarter of 2014.

Despite claims by Assad to Al Manar television that the missiles had already arrived in Syria, both sources said said the delivery has yet to take place.
Remember a couple of years ago when we were going back and forth over whether and when the Russians were going to deliver the S-300 to Iran? I think the Russians get a kick out of playing this game....  I doubt that they have delivered anything, and unless Assad is winning, I doubt they will. But they'll enjoy toying with everyone else.

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