
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Obama's half brother close friends with Sudan's Omar al-Bashir, IRS gave their foundation preferential treatment

In this photo, from the Barack H. Obama Foundation (BHOF) website, headed by Malik, Omar al-Bashir can be seen dressed in black, to the right. Another man to take notice of is seated directly to the right of Bashir; his name is Suar Al Dahab. 
A foundation headed by President Obama's half brother Malik, and called the Barack H. Obama Foundation received an IRS tax exemption within a month of its application despite having connections to the terrorist Bashir regime in Sudan (Hat Tip: Sunlight).
The Barack H. Obama Foundation (BHOF) is linked to top Sudanese officials, a regime accused of terrorism and genocide.
Walid Shoebat reported:
It has been learned that the relationship between President Barack Obama’s half-brother Malik Obama and Sudan’s President Omar Al-Bashir is much closer than previously thought…
…In 2010, Malik Obama attended the Islamic Da’wa Organization (IDO) conference in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan. One of the objectives of the IDO is to spread Wahhabist Islam across the African continent.
Al-Bashir wasn’t just present at the conference; he supervised it.
Read the whole thing.

But if you're a pro-Israel organization or you otherwise disagree with Obama's policies, you can't get an exemption and you have to sue the IRS.

I guess that's the Chicago way. It's sickening.

1 comment:

  1. The Chicago Way (& IRS) is only one side of this. The bigger, more sickening part is this:

    Who do you think the MFIC is for the "Barack H. Obama Foundation" fundraising and did the $$ raised (by any US Jewish community organizations?) make it to the Sudan President Omar Al-Bashir, the Genocider In Chief? The progressive Jewish organizations spent over a decade caterwauling (and fundraising) about Sudan genocide... did any of the money they collected end up aiding the recent round of genocide against Bush's South Sudan (God bless George Bush in this)? Maybe someone can give us some Due Diligence that shows that $$Zero went to the "Barack H. Obama Foundation." Absolutely unreal!!!
