
Monday, May 27, 2013

Livni and Molcho met secretly with Kerry this morning

Anyone want to try a caption for the photo?

Haaretz's Barak Ravid tweets that Justice Minister and chief negotiator Tzipi Livni, and attorney Itzhak Molcho, the Prime Minister's special envoy, met secretly on Monday morning in Jordan with US Secretary of State John FN Kerry, amid frantic efforts to renew 'peace talks.'

In a more detailed report in Hebrew, Ravid reports that the meeting started at 8:30 this morning and lasted for several hours. Its goal was to 'bridge the gaps' between Israel and the 'Palestinians.' The meeting was followed by a meeting between Kerry and 'moderate' 'Palestinian' President Mahmoud Abbas Abu Mazen in the latter's Amman home.


  1. Kerry: I Will Implement 'President Obama's Vision For The World'.

    Tzipi Livni: I've got you're back.

  2. What good will all these meetings do when Israel continues to confiscate Palestinian land to build illegal settlements? How can peace negotiations start when one of the parties - Israel - gobbles up the pizza, slice by slice? Haaretz reported that in 2012, Israeli settlements expanded by nearly 2000 acres, twice the size of New York's entire Central Park: all illegal per the UN, and illegitimate per Obama. For peace to come to the region, Israel must give up its greed and hunger for Palestinian ancestral lands.
    Yesh Prabhu, Bushkill, Pennsylvania
