
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Liberal logic

And this is the same logic that says that if we let the 'Palestinians' come right up to Jerusalem and the center of Israel, they will suddenly lay down their arms.



  1. Wow, she is just that stupid. Try that logic on the mass murderers of Ft. Hood, Tucson, Sandy Hook and Aurora who knew they were in a "gun free" kill zone.

  2. Hey she's a very liberal Democrat in Blue State California. She'll be allowed to squat in that California US Senate seat for as long as she wants, spouting such nonsense and aiding and abetting the liberal-inflicted decline of America.

    BTW, Dianne Feinstein, by dint of her 20 years of Senate seat warming and the Democrat majority is also Chairwoman of the Senate Select Intelligence Committee; Chairwoman of the International Narcotics Control Caucus; Chairwoman of the Senate Rules and Administration Committee. This fool is in a position far, far beyond her intellect and capabilities. I shudder to think what damage she inflicts.

    Dianne Feinstein is an excellent example of why we need a Constitutional Amendment, a Congressional term limit amendment. My idea would be a 12 years in Congress limit. Two 6 tear Senate terms or six 2 year House terms, or any combination of the above, not to exceed 12 years. History has proven the wisdom of the Presidential term limitation amendment.

    I believe history also shows the great need for a Congressional term limitation amendment. We may lose the benefit of the occasional true statesman, such as Daniel Webster. However, Daniel Websters are few and far between. We get more and more malignant squatters, such as Diane Feinstein, Ted Kennedy (56 years!), Robert Byrd (51 years!), Barbara Boxer (20 years!), Orrin Hatch (35 years!) name just a few.
