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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

This ought to make Americans feel really secure

The percentage of Americans who believe that North Korea is a threat to their country has risen by 13% in the last month to 40%. And given how incredibly little the United States knows of North Korea's intentions, it's not surprising that Americans are starting to get nervous.
The Obama administration calculates it's likely North Korea may test fire mobile ballistic missiles at any time, based on the most recent intelligence showing Pyongyang probably has completed launch preparations, a U.S. official said Tuesday.
The administration believes a test launch could happen without North Korea issuing a standard notice to commercial aviation and maritime shipping warning them to stay away from the missile's path, according to the official, who declined to be named because of the sensitivity of the information.
He cautioned most of the information comes from satellite imagery, so it's impossible to reach a definitive conclusion because the United States has no means to gather information on the ground.
"We hope they issue a notification, but at this point we don't expect it. We are working on the assumption they won't, " the official said.
He said the launch could be "imminent," but also cautioned that the United States "simply doesn't know."
They hope North Korea will notify them? They simply don't know?

So this where Obama's appeasement is leading teh United States and its allies... What if North Korea and Iran both attack with nuclear weapons at the same time? What could go wrong? 

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