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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Your tax dollars at work: Obama gives 'Palestinian Authority' $500 million

President Obama's State Department announced on Friday that the President has quietly released some $500 million in aid money to the 'Palestinian Authority' over the last couple of weeks (Hat Tip: Sooper Mexican via Bad Blue).
QUESTION: Can I ask on Palestinian aid? There’s reporting out of the region that the funds have actually been unblocked kind of a bit quietly over the last couple of weeks, the 200 million that was held up in Congress, and that’s now been received by the Palestinian Authority.
MS. NULAND: Jo, I don’t – I’m just finding it here. I did go through this about a week ago in some detail. I can do it again for you. To date, we have moved $295.7 million in Fiscal Year 2012 money, 200 million of that – see, this – numbers don’t – oh, and 200 million in Fiscal Year 2013 assistance. So breaking that down again, 200 million in FY2013 ESF money was direct budget support for the Palestinian Authority; 195.7 million in FY12 Economic Support money went for development and humanitarian assistance implemented by USAID; 100 million in FY2012 for International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement; and then in February – at the end of February we notified Congress about another 200 million that we’d like to move.
QUESTION: So you’ve moved the 295 --
MS. NULAND: Total of 295.7 in FY12 and 200 in FY13. Why don’t we go through it again afterwards if you need to?
QUESTION: That’s been moved, okay.
MS. NULAND: Mm-hmm.
QUESTION: And then 200 is still – you want another further 200?
MS. NULAND: Correct. We’ve notified.
Aren't you glad that the President has his priorities straight? The 'sequester' is cutting control towers at 149 airports, but priorities man, priorities. The 'Palestinian Authority' really needs their aid money for those terrorist salaries.  What the.....

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At 1:22 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Carl, something very odd in the story.
Obama claims that 'The money needs to be released by Congress', but in an other article they claim the money was on board of airforce one IN CASH.
Anyone still remembers the $720 million that was left behind for more 'Arab Spring'?
Have a great week.

At 3:48 AM, Blogger Sunlight said...

Soop is fun to follow on twitter:
El Sooper!! @SooperMexican

He also has a podcast that is excellent. I subscribe on itunes. They are East Coast, so I hope he finds a border state person to add someday.



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