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Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Video: 'Palestinian' students evict British consul from Bir Zeit

This is really rich. The British Consul General (to the 'Palestinians'), Sir Vincent Fein, left Bir Zeit University on Tuesday after 'students' protested his visit.
On Tuesday 5th March, the British Consul General Sir Vincent Fein left Birzeit University after students protested against his visit.
Sources from the public relations office at Birzeit University confirmed that the consul left the campus after groups of students and members of the Student Council protested against the Consul's planned visit to the university Tuesday.
The sources told PNN that the protest came on a historical background, that Britain was the reason behind the Palestinians' crisis and their conflict with the Israelis. However, the sources denied rumors that the students attacked or assaulted the Consul.
Yeah, right. If it weren't for the Brits, thousands of Jews might have escaped the Holocaust and its aftermath and made it to Israel, the Jews would have been armed in the War of Independence, the  Arabs would not have been given every strategic nook and cranny before the War of Independence started, and as a result, the 'Palestinians' might have all left Israel in 1948. Britain is (most of) the reason behind our conflict with the 'Palestinians' today. If the Brits hadn't been here, we probably would have a nearly 100% Jewish state, and the Arabs that remained might not have been 5th columnists.

But let's see what happened to Sir Vincent.

Let's go to the videotape.

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