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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Tom Friedman equates Binyamin Netanyahu and Michele Bachmann with Mohammed Morsy

This is simply jaw-dropping.

New York Times columnist Tom Friedman equates the leadership of Binyamin Netanyahu and Michele Bachmann with the Muslim Brotherhood's Mohammed Morsy.
You see it everywhere: Muslims go on a rampage against the U.S. Embassy in Cairo because of a despicable and juvenile anti-Muslim video on YouTube — and the new Egyptian president, Mohamed Morsi, from the Muslim Brotherhood, at first refuses to condemn them or even properly protect America’s diplomatic mission. Only a blistering phone call from President Obama, who no doubt hinted that Egypt wouldn’t get another penny of foreign aid if Morsi didn’t act, prompted the Egyptian leader to condemn the attack. Muslim Brotherhood officials “explained” that Morsi was torn between the demands of diplomacy and not wanting to alienate his base or be outflanked by even more hard-line Salafist Muslims. Sorry, to lead is to choose. Not a good sign.
But you know what they say about people in glass houses. ... In July, Representative Michele Bachmann started a bogus campaign against Muslims in the U.S. government, including a top aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Bachmann wrote to the leaders of America’s national security agencies questioning whether the Muslim Brotherhood had infiltrated the federal government. Both Senator McCain and the House speaker, John Boehner, chastised Bachmann for her politically inspired witch hunt — but not Eric Cantor, the House majority leader. The ambitious Cantor saw a chance to get a little political edge with the Republican base, against his rival Boehner, and told Charlie Rose of CBS News that we should understand Bachmann: “I think that her concern was about the security of the country.” Yes, right, Mr. Cantor, and I suppose that was all Senator Joe McCarthy was concerned about, too.
Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu of Israel has been loudly demanding that America publicly draw a “red line” in respect to Iran’s nuclear program that would delineate exactly when the U.S. would launch a strike against Tehran. Bibi is Winston Churchill when it comes to demanding that the U.S. draw red lines, but he is a local party boss when America asks him to draw a “green line” delineating where Jewish settlements in the West Bank will stop and a Palestinian state might start. Oh, no! Can’t do that, Bibi tells American officials. “I would lose my coalition.” So America is supposed to risk a war with Iran, but Bibi won’t risk anything to advance a deal with the Palestinians that might create a little more global legitimacy and sympathy for Israel, and America, in the event of a war with Iran. Thanks a lot.
Tom Friedman cannot even conceptualize the possibility that Michele Bachmann, Eric Cantor or Binyamin Netanyahu - all of whom are among the leaders in countries whose system of government is unlikely to be overthrown anytime soon - might be acting the way they are because they believe it to be in their countries' best interests.

And by the way, Tom, how about Yasser Arafat and Abu Mazen who could not and cannot compromise on Jerusalem out of fear for their lives? Hmmm?

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At 2:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Friedman is more than just a clown. Someone needs to upgrade him with a pic which shows which hat he's really wearing.

At 2:48 PM, Blogger Empress Trudy said...

We should send them Tom Friedman with a bomb strapped to his chest.


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