How Romney differs from Obama on Iran

Mitt Romney has skewered President Obama’s Iran policy. But in an exclusive interview, days after the Israeli Prime Minister criticized the U.S. for not putting “red lines before Iran,” Romney told me he would draw the same line in the sand as Obama.So what's the difference? One difference might be that Romney would actually go to war to stop them. There are other differences here.
“My red line is Iran may not have a nuclear weapon. It is inappropriate for them to have the capacity to terrorize the world. Iran with a nuclear weapon or with fissile material that can be given to Hezbollah or Hamas or others has the potential of not just destabilizing the Middle East. But it could be brought here,” Romney said.
“Look, Iran as a nuclear nation is unacceptable to the United States of America,” he said.
I pointed out that President Obama also says it is unacceptable for Iran to have a nuclear weapon and asked Romney if he therefore has the same “red line” as Obama?
“Yes,” Romney said.
The problem with Obama's red line is that it isn't a red line. It's pink. No one believes that he will actually use force to stop Iran. Would Romney? I wish I could be more confident about that. But what I am more confident about with Romney is that if Israel decided to stop Iran, he would not leave us hanging out to dry. And that's a huge difference.
Labels: Barack Hussein Obama, Campaign 2012, Iranian nuclear threat, Israeli attack on Iran, Mitt Romney
I don't think that a President Romney would put Letterman before your prime minister but we can't really know ... we can hope, we can view his record and we can vote. What we in the US can know is that Obama is not doing anything substantial to support Israel and if he is elected again, America will not be the same country. Romney has to be better in some ways.
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