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Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Lieberman: Egypt has enough forces to deal with Sinai

With Egypt using Sunday's incident to demand more forces in Sinai, in violation of the Camp David treaty, foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman told Israel Radio on Tuesday that Egypt has enough troops in Sinai to control the situation... if it wants to.
Egypt has enough forces to deal with terrorism in Sinai, Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman said in a Tuesday interview with Israel Radio.

"There are enough forces in Sinai, it's now just a matter of making a decision," he said.


Until now, Israel has permitted the Egyptians to deploy about seven battalions in the Sinai, although under the peace treaty the peninsula is meant to remain demilitarized.

The conclusion Jerusalem hopes the Egyptians will draw is that they will act more forcefully to stamp out the global jihadi terrorism that is growing there, threatening both Israel and Egypt.

“Perhaps this will be a necessary wake-up call for the Egyptians to take matters in their hands in a more serious way,” Defense Minister Ehud Barak told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Monday.
What could go wrong?

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At 5:29 PM, Blogger Sunlight said...

The main thing we (the U.S.) need to do is REPO all the U.S. equipment that Egypt has been given over the years and stop training any of their military if they refuse to enforce the Sinai treaty provisions. The only reason they have the Sinai after getting their butts kicked is that treaty. And if it turns out that they are helping, or sending or whatever, these attackers, the U.S. should do trade sanctions on Egypt. Because the current U.S. administration is aiding and abetting the Egyptians who want to kill Jews, we need to VOTE OUT THE DEMOCRATS, top to bottom, even if it means that we are opposing the Israeli techmeisters who want Obama to stay in so they can get more ObamaPork. VOTE OUT THE DEMS!


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