Vatican labels Rachel's Tomb a mosque

Last February, Unesco, which has accepted the Palestinian Authority as a state, claimed Rachel’s Tomb and the Tomb of the Patriarchs are not exclusively Jewish sites, but “also belong to Christians and Muslims”. Writing in the Palestine Chronicle, the Christian Fadi Kattan denied “the Jewishness” and “the exclusiveness of Jewish access to Rachel’s tomb”.Read the whole thing.
It was in a meeting with Christian leaders that, in March 2010, Chief Islamic Judge, Tayseer Tamimi, called on Muslim and Christian leaders to take immediate action against Israel’s attempts to “Judaise” Jerusalem and “the Bilal ibn Rabah Mosque”.
Pax Christi, one of the most famous global Catholic organizations, in its website, repeatedly calls the Jewish site a “mosque”.
Then there is the Bethlehem University of the Holy Land, the only Vatican-run educational institution in the area and whose founding can be traced back to the visit of Pope Paul VI in the holy land in 1964. The Catholic University recently launched a project about the Rachel’s Tomb. The document calls it “a historical religious site for followers of Christianity and Islam, a sacred site also for Jews, who today control all access to it, despite its location on Palestinian lands”.
The Vatican institution seems to ignore that all of Rachel’s Tomb belongs to Area C, which the Oslo Accords gave to Israeli jurisdiction.
The very title of the Catholic project, “Rachel:An Alien in her Hometown”, suggests that the tomb is a spot hijacked by the Israelis. The tomb, the Catholic report says, “is also known by Muslims as the Bilal Ibn Rabah Mosque”. According to the Vatican university, the Jews stole the past, the Jewish shrines are Arab treasures stolen by the Zionists, and the Jews are no more than invading colonizers.
The last time I visited Rachel’s Tomb, two years ago, the Israeli contractor who worked at the security barrier showed me the Arab houses from where the Palestinian snipers shot at the Jews visiting the grave. Down below, there is the romantic, medieval picture of the once modest, quiet, calm, serene and solitary domed tomb.
The 20th century of Joseph Goebbels has taught all of us that a lie starts as a small one, but if it is not corrected, it festers like a cancer destroying truth, justice and finally - people. A lesson that the Catholics should have learn much better.
Labels: Bethlehem, Palestinian Authority, Rachel's tomb, UNESCO
"If you repeat a lie often enough and loud enough, eventually even the biggest lie becomes 'truth'."
Is it any wonder that a man who was raised as a Hitler Youth, is the head of a notoriously Anti-Semitic church would turn from the rightful owners of Jewish property and give it to the Arabs.
@ Will "If you repeat a lie often enough and loud enough, eventually even the biggest lie becomes 'truth'."
You are absolutely right….sigh
Since the PA propagandists say that Jesus was actually a Palestinian Muslim, wouldn't that then mean that Islam should also own the Vatican???
That's no more ridiculous than the Muslims claim to Rachel's Tomb, a self-evident Jewish site. (As is the entire Temple Mount, but that's another topic.) I was born and raised a Catholic but stupid, immoral decisions and policies like this by the Catholic Church hierarchy are why I'm now a Protestant Christian. Not that some Protestant denominations' leadership aren't equally guilty of dhimmi mentality and absurd actions and but some aren't.
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