Compare and contrast: Romney in Israel 2012 v. Obama in Israel 2008
I am sure that many of you recall that candidate Barack Hussein Obama visited Israel in 2008 as part of his Presidential campaign. Unlike Romney's plans, Obama did meet with 'moderate' 'Palestinian' PresidentIs Romney doing the opposite of Obama on Israel? In this case, the answer appears to be yes.
Labels: Abu Mazen, Barack Hussein Obama, campaign 2008, Campaign 2012, Mitt Romney, Salam Fayyad
Mormon religious beliefs--that Mormons are the true church of Israel in their spiritual descent from the tribe of Ephraim and that the Patriarch Joseph foretold the coming of Joseph Smith as the true prophet of God to restore the divine order make the reliability of Romney's support for Israel highly problematic. It isn't that the doesn't support Israel--he does. But he's getting the reasons for his support, the faith of his support, from a literary mishmash which is the 19th century equivalent of Marvel Comics. Yes, if someone believes that Moses relayed a special key to the Fantastic Four to open up a magical vault that would save Israel when the great-great grandchildren of the X-Men climb the snow capped mountain of Thor to lead the sons of Judah back to their brothers--well yeah he supports Israel. In a fashion. Sort of. Until the first Israeli official starts to giggle.
Or, perhaps his religious convictions have nothing to do with it - maybe he supports Israel for the same reason that most people do, that it's a decent and democratic country which upholds principles of freedom and democracy, and that it's surrounded by hostile badly governed states which are the exact opposite.
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