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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Why so many Jews support Obama? To show they're not racists....

Barr Rubin dissects why American Jews vote for Democrats generally and why most of them will still vote for Obama. Here's some of it.
Race: Jews generally feel that having been themselves oppressed in the past they should show that they are especially anti-racist now. This created a near-imperative to vote for the first African-American candidate and to cheer him as president.

Fear: The idea that the Republicans, conservatives, and opposition to Obama are somehow racist and reactionary Christian. Terror at the alleged anti-Jewish religiosity of conservatives and Evangelical Christians is a huge hidden factor in the thinking of hundreds of thousands of Jews. As for groups like Christians United for Israel, they are largely ignored or seen suspiciously as conversion-oriented organizations.

Propaganda: As highly educated and literate people, Jews are more heavily impacted by schools, universities, and mass media that are engaged in indoctrination or highly concerted efforts to campaign for Obama and his ideas. By the same token, Jews as a whole tend to give higher credibility to the fairness of media and academia.

Camouflage: The concealment of Obama’s radicalism and that of those supporting his ideology as supposed liberals plays into Jewish reverence for liberalism.

Obama’s persona: While the notion of Obama as a “Jewish president” is absurd, its appeal to some does in fact have a material basis. His image as an apparently highly educated, supposedly intellectual, superficially sophisticated, cosmopolitan personality fits with majority Jewish preferences.
I see what Barry terms race and fear. But the rest of it? Aren't Jews supposed to be smart enough to read things critically? Aren't we supposed to be smart enough to see through all the crap?

Read the whole thing.

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At 6:35 AM, Blogger Daniel said...

he's not an african american, he's a wasp raised biracial of slave owing stock with NO slave blood.
he only pretends to be african american withihis acquired accent so effete white liberals can go around saying " your only against him because he's black".

At 11:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barry is either lying or is incredibly stupid.

Jews don't vote for the Republicans simply because the Christian Right are there. Same reason I wouldn't.

It has nothing to do with the Democrats being the party of the non racist, because it's not. It's the party of liberals and progressives.

Allen West is one prominent Republican. Black right wing Evangelicals are drawn to the Republican party,

Jewish shcnorrers like you, vote Republican.

At 2:21 PM, Blogger debbie said...

My husband's uncle is one of those who will vote for Obama, even though he has children and grandchildren in Israel. When asked why, he said that if a Republican is elected this country will face horrible things like prayer in school.

Chayma, you clearly do not know what the word schonrrer means, because it is completely irrelevant in this context, no matter where you stand on the issue.


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