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Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Bibi threatens to fire ministers who vote for Ulpana bill

Taking a page out of Ariel Sharon's book, Prime Minister Netanyahu has threatened to fire any minister who votes in favor of the Arrangements Bill (Chok HaHasdara) on Wednesday. The Arrangements Bill would effectively legalize all of the 'outposts' in Judea and Samaria.
Government ministers and deputy ministers who vote for the Knesset bills on Wednesday to retroactively legalize unauthorized Jewish construction in the settlements, including the Ulpana outpost, will be fired, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu made clear Tuesday, after deciding that the government will oppose the bill.

Netanyahu said during a meeting in his office that the country has major challenges ahead -- such as passing a budget, getting all segments of society to equally share the country's burdens, and dealing with the problem of migrants.

The prime minister stated that only a united and disciplined government will be able to deal with those issues.
That may keep people from voting for the bill, but it won't make them vote against it.
Following Netanyahu's announcement, Shas ministers said they will be absent from the Knesset plenum during the vote on the settlement regulation bill. Ministers belonging to Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman's Yisrael Beitenu party are also expected to skip the vote.

Shas members of Knesset said they will vote in favor of the bill.


MK Danon addressed the Likud ministers, saying "Remember what we promised – that we would not be like Kadima or the Independence Party. This is the moment of truth. The struggle is not only for Ulpana. If we surrender, there will be thousands of other concessions in the West Bank."
What could go wrong?

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