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Monday, May 14, 2012

'Peace Index': Large majority of Israelis says no two-state solution in next 10 years

The Peace Index, a monthly survey of Israeli attitudes toward the 'peace process' shows that by 58.2 - 39.8%, Israelis don't see a 'two-state solution' in the next ten years.
4. To what extent do you believe or not believe there is a real chance to resolve the conflict in accordance with the "two states for two peoples" formula in the next ten years?
General Public Jews Arabs
1. Strongly believe 10.7 11.5 6.7
2. Moderately believe 29.1 28.7 31.1
3. Moderately don’t believe 32.5 31.0 41.1
4. Don’t believe at all 25.7 26.7 20.0
5. I don't know\ Refuse to answer 2.0 2.1 1.1

11. In your opinion, is Israel's linking of Memorial Day and Independence Day proper or improper?
General Public Jews Arabs
1. Proper 61.3 69.8 13.3
2. Improper 31.0 24.0 70.0
3. I don't know\ refuse to answer 7.8 6.2 16.6

[Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA: It should be note that the reason there were no non-Jewish torch lighters at the ceremony was that the non-Jews chosen by the committee refused to say that words that torch lighters say as they light the torch ("for the glory of the State of Israel"). This development happened after the committee finished its job and the program organizers found themselves stuck having to find replacements. The replacements were the next people on the list.

So if you want to use the story of the absence of non-Jewish torch lighters to make some kind of point you could just as easily ask people if they aren't offended or disappointed that people honored with lighting the torch refuse to say the words "for the glory of the State of Israel" as ask if there is something wrong that non-Jews weren't among the torch lighters.]
Full survey results here.

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