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Monday, May 07, 2012

Obama's Israel bashing bundler

Adam Kredo exposes Hala Hijazi, a 'Muslim Palestinian-American' who bundles money for President Obama.
Hala Hijazi, a Jordanian native and current San Francisco city employee, has personally secured between $100,000 to $200,000 for Obama’s reelection effort, according to Federal Election Committee filings.

She also has gone on record accusing Israel of war crimes while castigating America for providing the Jewish state critical military aid—a long-term investment that has bolstered U.S. security interests.

Hijazi, who has cultivated pristine left-wing credentials during her government career, is another name on an ever lengthening list of Obama-affiliated donors and bundlers who are either entangled in legal woes or hail from controversial backgrounds.

A prominent Hillary Clinton supporter who has long been entrenched in San Francisco’s left-wing political machine, Hijazi appears to be tapping a list of high profile West Coast liberals in an attempt to replenish the president’s campaign coffers.

Her public writings on Israel—an issue that has plagued Obama since the start of his presidency—reveal a longstanding and deep-seated hostility towards the Jewish state.
Read the whole thing. This woman is a real piece of work.

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At 12:36 AM, Blogger Mighty Garnel Ironheart said...

I'm no Obama fan but to be fair the guy has tens of thousands of people raising money for him. He can't be expected to keep track of every loon-toon.
The blame should be on the media. If this woman was raising money for Romney, then we'd hear about her.

At 4:43 AM, Blogger Himalaya said...

1) $100,000 to $200.000 is not a lot of money, as these things go

2) if one judges by the efficacy of Obama's spending programs in the US, it is very, very likely that most of the money she raises is wasted

At 8:56 AM, Blogger Carl in Jerusalem said...


True, but keep in mind that bundling $500,000 was enough for Obama to make you an ambassador. So it's not quite that small.


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