President's residence served treif meat on Independence Day?

The caterer has admitted that the meat for the event was spoiled, but claims that it got the meat from its own storage area in a Kosher kitchen in Kibbutz Givat Chaim. But Maariv reports that an Arab butcher in Abu Ghosh claims to have sold the exact quantity of meat - 80 kilos - to the caterer on Thursday (Independence Day - when all the butchers in Jewish towns were required by law to be closed), and claims to have a receipt to prove it. An Arab restaurateur in Abu Ghosh who is a personal friend of President Peres claims that he was approached by the President's residence to cook the meat, but refused because 'I don't deal with chaperim' (a term that doesn't really translate well, but it means someone who does something quickly and in a careless way).
Israel Radio reported this morning that the Rabbinate of Emek Chefer, which supervises the caterer, Pri HaAretz, demanded the Kashruth certificate's return.
Labels: Kosher certification, Shimon Peres
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