This is not a Purim story: UN to condemn Israel for its treatment of women!

However, the panel is expected to also an eight-clause resolution, determining that the "Israeli occupation" in territories, including East Jerusalem, is the main obstacle for the advancement of the Palestinian woman.Nor do the Saudis, whose women need a male guardian to venture outdoors, nor do the 'Palestinians' who regularly murder women over 'family honor, nor do the Egyptians, whose women are regularly sexually harassed, nor do the Iranians or any of the Arab countries. Only the Jooos, who happen to treat women better than any other country within 1,000 miles of here.
The panel, which includes representatives from 45 countries, including Israel, is considered to be one of the UN's most active and respected bodies.
Responding to the decision to condemn Israel, Israeli envoy to the UN Ron Prosor told Haaretz that the "council's bring levels of absurdity and cynicism to new heights."
"The thousands of Syrian women butchered, tortured, raped and trampled under Assad's iron boot don't even get a passing mention in the panel's decisions," Prosor added.
Daniel Halper adds:
But in fact this seems to be becoming an annual event. Last year, a similar resolution was adopted: “[The] U.N. policy-making body dedicated to ‘gender equality and the advancement of women’ adopted a resolution accusing Israel of holding back the advancement of Palestinian women, but it took no action on the emergency in Libya or the legally enshrined discrimination faced by women in Iran. The only country-specific resolution passed by the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) at its recent session in New York was one condemning Israel over the Palestinian issue.”It's time to quit the UN.
United Nutcases would be more appropriated.
UN will find any damn excuse to condemn Israel...At this point I just says ignore these nutcases....Its circus with bunch of clowns running the show...They are so miserable with their own existence they not sure what do with themselves bunch of savages
The truth hurts doesn't it
No Rick, I see no truth here.It does heart the UN's credibility though-if there was any left?
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