Sanctions? What sanctions?

According to an invitation to the Iranian event, which was obtained by the Post, Berlin’s Technical University (TU) sent an email last Tuesday titled “Company Congress” to students and other potential parties.Read the whole thing. If President Obama wants Israel to trust him to take action to stop Iran, he has to put a stop to this sort of thing. But he's not. As I noted in an earlier post, President Obama has ignored a Congressional mandate to impose sanctions on companies located outside the US that violate sanctions against Iran.
Yousef Chappi, the head of Iran’s economic department at the embassy, wrote on the invitation that the purpose of the event is “to make German firms in the construction sector aware of the present potential with new technology and the basis for cooperation and the signing of joint contracts.”
The invitation-only event, which took place last Wednesday, was shrouded in secrecy and required a pre-registration. Dr. Wahied Wahdat-Hagh, a leading expert on German-Iranian relations, translated a Persian- language report in the Islamic Republic News Agency, which cited a comment after the event from Iran’s Ambassador Ali Reza Sheikh Attar, about the construction trade conference in Berlin.
Germany is Iran’s most important European trading partner, with bilateral commerce hovering around an annual 4 billion euros. The construction trade event raises questions about violations of EU and UN sanctions because the merchandise and work could possibly be used to develop nuclear underground and above-ground facilities. Iran’s government frequently uses Western “dual-use” technology for both military and civilian purposes.
Time and again, the President of the United States has failed to act to enforce and implement sanctions against Iran. Obama's failure to act shows that his support for sanctions is half-hearted and insincere at best. And he expects Israel to trust him to take military action when the sanctions don't work? What could go wrong?
Labels: Barack Hussein Obama, German-Iranian trade, Iran sanctions regime
I wonder if people will ever understand why I cried, as did Günter Grass, when the Berlin Wall fell. IT SHOULD HAVE NEVER FALLEN.
Germany should have remained divide permanently, and even divided more.
REAL de-nazification never happened. There was never a real clean-up. It would have not been possible: not enough Germans had died in W.W.II to make it possible without dropping a few nukes on the whole of Germany.
So, here they are again: re-creating the Ustasha state in Croatia in 1990, with the SAME German families re-gaining control of the Croatian mineral production, being one of the two main economic partners of Syria and Iran (the other, NOT BY CHANCE, is Germany's former Axis ally, Italy!), etc.
You might see lots of red flags and leftist politics in the streets of both Germany and Italy, but the heart, the power, is still the same which was there in 1938.
Implementing the sanctions approved by Congress would hurt the US economy,and he made that perfectly clear when he signed the document. Obama is only to happy to see the Europeans implementing sanctions that hurt their economy, his Economy read his reelection is the only thing that matters to him, more then 7,6 Million Jewish lives.
This has shone a light on a mystery: Iran is propping up Europe and Greece. That is where the cash is coming from to bail out Greece!! no wonder no one here in Europe is saying anything - and Iranian transports are flying into my local small airport...
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