'Palestinians' attack border crossing that delivers humanitarian aid

This morning, Palestinian terrorists fired three mortars on the Palestinian side of the Kerem Shalom crossing. The mortars struck a truck and a van on their way to deliver goods to the people of Gaza. Following the shooting, activity at the crossing was suspended for just a few minutes. After evaluating the situation, it was decided to continue operations at the crossing, where goods continue to be transferred from Israel into the Gaza Strip.They'd rather starve than stop trying to murder Jews.
Yesterday, over 180 trucks of goods were transferred from Israel to Gaza. The IDF will continue to act in order to prevent terrorist attacks from the Gaza Strip. At the same time, the Israel Defense Forces will continue to distinguish between the terrorist organizations and the civilian population.
Labels: Gaza plenty, Kerem Shalom crossing point
I saw this earlier and the thought that crossed my mind is that someone in Gaza wants to live a normal life on this earth and have things get better for their kids. And they are ratting out the throatslitters and highway assassins who wanted to do another attack through Sinai. And so the normal people have to be punished. They probably thought deliveries would be suspended if they hit one of the trucks... too bad, jerks. Guarantee the throatslitters won't do without.
Like the nazis who would rather gas jews than win the war.
Except that it plays to their strengths. The BBC will rush in and scream that that desperately needed aid is being withheld by the Evull Jewz (tm)
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