The New Yorker blows what's left of its credibility

The idea that Rosenberg (whom I have known for years as someone who is profoundly devoted to Israel and, at the same time, abhors the Israeli occupation) could be labelled an anti-Semite is an indicator of the lengths to which this smear-campaign has gone. It is hardly the first time in American history that those with a political agenda have sought to demonize others whose views they dislike, as a means of destroying them and silencing any potential sympathizers.They also take cheap shots at Elliott Abrams and Gerald Steinberg (both of whom I've had the privilege of meeting) and try to rip Noah Pollak who at least had a small opportunity to defend himself.
Rosenberg is an anti-Semite - there is no other explanation for his continued labeling of Israel's supporters as 'Israel firsters,' a term that conjures up the old dual loyalty canard.
If this is what passes for impartial reporting in the United States, it's no wonder you have a President who is able to keep everything he wants to out of the media.
Labels: Emergency Committee for Israel, Jewish anti-Semitism, liberal media bias
I think when Obama talks about having your back, he means he'll keep giving Israeli technology companies $mega$ grants, loan guarantees, IPOs, etc. He does not mean he will keep Iran or even Egypt or Turkey from flattening you, or stop Gaza or Hezb in Leb from rocketing your civilians. Maybe some, even in Israel, say that's good enough for '12 election support.
OMG, talk about the pot calling the kettle black!!
"The idea that Rosenberg (whom I have known for years as someone who is profoundly devoted to Israel and, at the same time, abhors the Israeli occupation) could be labelled an anti-Semite is an indicator of the lengths to which this smear-campaign has gone. It is hardly the first time in American history that those with a political agenda have sought to demonize others whose views they dislike, as a means of destroying them and silencing any potential sympathizers."
The hypocrisy of someone calling people Israel-Firsters because they don't happen to share his view, is outrageous!!
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