BBC World Service interviewed me

The BBC interviewed me on Sunday morning for their
The World Today Weekend program. I don't know exactly when they played the interview, but they interviewed me at 6:30 GMT so it was not before then. My guess is somewhere between 7:00 and 8:00 GMT. I don't have time to check right now, so if anyone hears it, please drop the time in the comments.
We talked about Iran. They read me three quotes from the
Jeffrey Goldberg interview with President Obama, and I responded to them.
Labels: BBC World Service
Found it: 26:30 in the 8:05 Sunday, 4th March "The World Today Weekend 08/01/2012" show.
Excellent interview, Carl and nice to hear your voice.
Thanks, Sunlight, I was going through loads of waffle before I read your info.
The sound of panic in the mozlem propagandists was a reward for staying on to listen to the rest! A couple of total ignoramuses talking as if they are military experts?? A sub-lecturer female from SOAS, the sight of ugly anti-Israel demos and staff. They also had Trita Parsi, the Iranian government mouthpiece, later, talking the same propaganda. Bwahahaha!! Typical beeb!
...Also, she says the Saudis are "terrified absolutely terrified!!!" That the shias will take over the oil in the south of arabia if they let the Israelis fly over their territory!! About as terrified as Assad, I expect...
Thanks for the info, Sunlight.
Well-spoken and to the point, Carl!
However, the ignorance of the subsequent leftist talking heads talking to each other, reinforcing their leftist "everybody knows" type conventional wisdom was very irksome. Oh, well, that's the BBC, that's their stock-in-trade. I was surprised they had Carl, a conservative hawk Israeli, on the program at all.
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