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Sunday, December 04, 2011

Simon Wiesenthal Center calls on Clinton to fire Gutman

The Simon Wiesenthal Center has issued the following press release calling on Secretary of State Clinton to fire US Ambassador to Belgium Howard Gutman.
The Simon Wiesenthal Center urged Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to " immediately and unequivocally disassociate herself from comments made by US Amb Howard Gutman who told a Jewish group that "a distinction should be made between traditional anti-semitism which should be condemned and Muslim hatred of Jews which stems from the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinians".

"The Simon Wieaenthal Center calls on Secy of State Clinton to immediately rebuke Gutman for excusing Muslim hatred of Jews"' said Rabbis Marvin Hier, Dean and Founder and Abraham Cooper, associate Dean in a statement on behalf of its 400,000 constituent families of the leading Jewish Human Rights NGO.

"America has always taken the lead in condemning hate in all its manifestations, not providing a moral free pass to extremists whose hate of Jews besmirches the Muslim religion and has spawned violent hatred against Jews across the Middle East and beyond."

" Following Gutman's twisted logic, Christian anti-semites who insist that their hatred of Jews is based on the fact that the Jewish people failed to acknowledge Jesus as Messsiah should also be excused until such time as the underlying reason for that hate-- the Jewish people's refusal to accept Jesus as messiah is reversed."Link

"As Ambassador to Belgium, a country where Jews have been attacked by Muslim extremists, Ambassador Gutman's statement is beyond shocking; it will only serve to further embolden hate from Islamist extremists in Europe and beyond. It is critical for Secretary of State to immediately clarify if Gutman's statement reflects or violates US policy vis a v anti-semitism", the Wiesenthal Center officials concluded.
Indeed. The problem is that this statement is very much in line with the sentiments spewed out by Obama in Cairo two and a half years ago.


Just got a link to this announcement (I first received it as an email). It's here.

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At 2:19 PM, Blogger NormanF said...

Jewish lawyers who heard him were stunned. One of them took him to task. This is whitewashing anti-Semitism more less by saying in effect, Jews deserve to be hated on account of where they live. Its reprehensible coming from the mouth of a Jew.

And I'm not holding my breath waiting for Gutman to be fired by Secretary Clinton.


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