House Majority Leader Cantor links 'Palestinian' culture to terrorism

Speaking to a conference of Reform Jews, Cantor told of a Palestinian woman treated for burns at an Israeli hospital who tried to return for a follow-up visit wearing a suicide belt.Aren't Presidential campaigns fun? Let's hope this continues afterward. Too bad the Reform Jews don't seem to be enjoying it.
“What kind of culture leads one to do that? Sadly, it is a culture infused with resentment and hatred,” Cantor said.
“If the Palestinians want to live in peace in a state of their own, they must demonstrate that they are worthy of a state,” said Cantor, one of the highest-profile Jewish Republicans and a staunch Israel supporter.
While Cantor and other House leaders have firmly backed Israel’s right to defend itself, they are generally careful to distinguish between those who commit terrorist acts and Palestinians as a whole. That nuance was absent in Cantor’s Thursday address to the Union for Reform Judaism.
“It is not morally equivalent when the offenses of terrorists are equated with the defenses of Israel,” he said to a few thousand conference participants, who offered Cantor a polite but guarded reception.
A number of participants could be heard outside the ballroom where Cantor was speaking discussing their choice not to attend his speech so as to not lend their support to his conservative views.
Warning that the 2,000-year-old dream of a Jewish state is in jeopardy, Cantor said the international community is replete with anti-Semitic vitriol and pointed to the success of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt’s post-revolution elections, which he said presented major challenges to U.S. interests in the region.
Labels: Eric Cantor, Palestinian terrorism
The 'Palestinian' are the only people today who practice child sacrifice. That's the only way encouraging children to become 'martyrs' can be described.
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