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Monday, November 07, 2011

Anti-Semitic posters on Paris' Place de la Bastille

The two anti-Semitic posters in this post were seen on Place de la Bastille in Paris (France) on Sunday morning. A complaint was filed with the local police (Hat Tip: Jean V).

I received the following in French from Jean V:
Le BNVCA condamne les affiches violemment antijuives placardées à la Place de la Bastille.Le BNVCA dépose plainte BUREAU NATIONAL DE VIGILANCE CONTRE L 'ANTISEMITISME Parrainé par le Centre Simon Wiesenthal, Verbe et Lmumière,,La CJFAI, La FJF,L''UPJF, l'Union des CCJ Idf 8 Boulevard Saint Simon 93700 Drancy Le Président Sammy GHOZLAN 0668563029 DRANCY LE 5/11/11 Le Bureau Natiional de Vigilance Contre l'Antisémitisme condamne avec force les affiches violemment antijuives et anti israeliennes découvertes par des passants parisiens, qui les ont photographiées pour nous les transmettre. Les témoins profondémet choqués et scandalisés,nous ont déclaré avoir vu des affichettes de 20 X 10cm Place de la Bastille à Paris.

Certaines ont été arrachées, les dernières étaient collées sur un panneau de direction au début de la rue de la Roquette, et d'autres devant le restaurant "La Bastille". Ces dessins, inspirés des affiches de la propagande nazie antijuive , remplacent le juf par l'israélien. Une affichette représente la caricature d'un juif, vêtu d'un uniforme de soldat israelien,pesant sur le plateau d'une balance, pour faire croire qu'un juif ou un israelien pèse plus lourd que plusieurs arabes.

Ce qui rappelle l'échange récent de Guilad Shalit contre 1000 terroristes palestiniens. L'autre dessin représente un juif israélien poignardant le coeur d'un bébé ensanglanté, au moyen d'un couteau à l'image géographique de l'Etat d'israel.

Le BNVCA rappelle qu'au contraire de ce que veut faire croire ce dessin,ce sont bien des palestiniens qui ont décimé au couteau,dans leur sommeil, toute une famille juive sans défense,dans un village israelien, dont ont bébé de 2 mois,qu'ils sont revenus poignarder lorsqu'après être partis ils ont entendu ses pleurs. Le BNVCA soupçonne que les auteurs appartiennent à des organisations propalestiniennes, nombreuses dans le 11 eme arrondissement de Paris, ou à des organisations islamo palestiniennes , qui ont pu reproduire ces images horribles de la pictographie qui fleurit dans de nombreux pays arabo musulmans . Dans ces mêmes pays,tout autant qu'à Gaza, ou dans les territoires de l'Autorité Palestinienne ,abondent de façon officielle la littérature antijuive, et l'éducation à la haine confortées par les discours des leaders politiques et religieux. Le BNVCA dépose plainte contre les auteurs,et complices pour l'instant inconnus, depuis la conception jusqu'à la fabrication et l'affichage. --
And through the wonders of Google Translate, here it is in English (anyone who speaks French, please feel free to correct this):
BNVCA condemns the violent anti-Jewish posters plastered on the Place de la Bastille.Le BNVCA files a complaint NATIONAL BUREAU OF VIGILANCE against antisemitism Sponsored by the Simon Wiesenthal Center, Word and Lmumière, La CJFAI, The FJF, The'UPJF, the Union of CCJ Idf 8 Boulevard Saint Simon 93700 President Drancy Drancy Sammy Ghozlan 0668563029 5/11/11 The Office of Vigilance Against Natiional Antisemitism strongly condemns the violent anti-Jewish posters and anti Israeli discovered by passers Paris, who have photographed to let us know. Witnesses profondémet shocked and outraged, we have reported seeing posters of 20 X 10cm Place de la Bastille in Paris.

Some were torn off, the latter were stuck on a direction sign at the beginning of the Rue de la Roquette, and other front of the restaurant "La Bastille". These drawings, inspired by posters of anti-Jewish Nazi propaganda, replace Juf by Israel. A poster is a caricature of a Jew, uniformed Israeli soldiers, weighing on the tray of a balance, to believe that a Jew or an Israeli weighs more than many Arabs.

This recalls the recent exchange of Gilad Shalit against Palestinian terrorists in 1000. The other drawing shows an Israeli Jew stabbing the heart of a bloody baby, using a knife to the geographical picture of the state of israel.

BNVCA recalls that the opposite of what it means to believe this drawing are many Palestinians who have killed with a knife in their sleep, a Jewish family defenseless in an Israeli village, which have 2 month old, they came back when, being stabbed parties they heard her crying. The BNVCA suspect that the authors are members of pro-Palestinian organizations, many in the 11 th district of Paris, or Palestinian Islamic organizations, which could reproduce these horrific images of pictographs that flourished in many Arab Muslims. In these countries, as much as Gaza or in the territories of the Palestinian Authority, abound officially anti-Jewish literature, and education to hatred reinforced by the discourse of political and religious leaders. The BNVCA file a complaint against the perpetrators, accomplices and as yet unknown, from design to production and display. -

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At 5:24 PM, Blogger Juniper in the Desert said...

Betar should post some of the paedo mozlems, photographs showing what they REALLY do!!

At 6:01 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Carl.
I quickly translated the latter part of the text, the top seems more or less 'correct'.

BNVCA recalls that opposite of what this drawing is trying to depict , it were really the Palestinians who have killed with a knife in their sleep, a complete Jewish family defenseless in an Israeli village, which had a 2 month old, they came back when, they heard her crying to stab her. The BNVCA suspect that the authors are members of pro-Palestinian organizations, many in the 11 th district of Paris, or Palestinian Islamic organizations, which could reproduce these horrific images of pictographs that flourished in many Arab Muslim countries In these countries, as much as Gaza or in the territories of the Palestinian Authority, officially and in abondence anti-Jewish literature, and education to hatred reinforced by the discourse of political and religious leaders. The BNVCA lodging complaints against the perpetrators, accomplices and as yet unknown, from design to production and display. -


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