Bill Clinton compares Rick Perry to 'Israeli militants'

Asked about Perry’s recent strongly pro-Israel comments, Clinton said the 2012 Republican hopeful’s stance was “good politics.”I guess in Clinton's world, the only way to be pro-Israel is to be pro-'Palestinian.' Aren't you glad he's not President anymore? He sounds like Walt and Mearsheimer!
“Rick Perry — that’s my culture, you know? I’m from next door,” the Arkansas native said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “There’s an enormous reservoir of support for Israel in the Christian evangelical community, and a lot of them believe — as some of the more militant subgroups do — that God meant for all Judea and Samaria [the West Bank] to be in the hands of Israel. … I’m sure there are hundreds of thousands of people that have never missed church on Sunday in Texas who believe it.”
Clinton also said Perry and Republicans in Congress are willing to capitulate to Israel on too many issues.
The former president summed up his views on the GOP perspective as, “‘You guys [Israel] do whatever you want — keep the West Bank. We’re coming back, we’ll have the White House and Congress, and we’ll let you do whatever you want.’”
Labels: Bill Clinton, Rick Perry
I pray everyday Israel can hang on until we get rid of these terrorist loving, Jew hating Dems in D.C. If we are fortunate enough to end up with a conservative victory in the U.S. 2012 elections, I hope it gives Israel the strength to finally destroy hamas [and hezbollah if necessary].
Slick Willy: It's Bibi's fault!
The Left has never met a Jew-killing tyranny it didn't admire. So, whether it is the USSR or the Che cadre in South America, dead Jews are just part of the scenery. Clinton is owned by the $$oil people now. Our escape will come from voting out the Left and drilling our own (Israel and U.S.) oil until the alt-energies are ready to fill in the energy source pie chart (they aren't yet, but keep working on them).
"Clinton also said Perry and Republicans in Congress are willing to capitulate to Israel on too many issues."
Yeah yeah yeah, capitulate.
Blovating has-been.
btw Willie, you're behind the curve, the GOP raise is a-changing: you have to start attacking Romney as the nefarious agent of Bibi's jooz.
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