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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Livni's Atlantic interview nothing new for Israel's Left

Remember that horrible interview opposition leader Tzipi Livni did with the Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg in which she urged President Obama to keep pressuring Netanyahu? Caroline Glick argues that Israel's Left has been doing the same thing at least since the 'Palestinians' rejected Ehud Barak's offer at Camp David 11 years ago.
Livni's position is consistent with the position the Israeli Left has adopted since Arafat destroyed the Oslo peace process 11 years ago. Whereas in 1995 the Left still expected the Palestinians to pay lip service to peace with Israel, after Arafat destroyed the peace process, the Left that had embraced the PLO needed to make a choice. Its leaders could either admit they were wrong to embrace the PLO, or they could adopt the PLO's position against Israel. They chose the latter.

The results of this choice have been devastating. For the past 11 years, the Israeli Left has been divorcing itself from Zionism. This began in the wake of the violent riots in the Arab sector in October 2000 when the Barak government formed the Orr Commission of Inquiry. The Orr Commission for the first time conferred extralegal communal rights on radicalized Israeli Arabs, and so denied the police the right to enforce laws equally on all Israelis.

Since then, the trend towards undermining Israeli democracy and the rights of the Jewish majority has been most pronounced in the leftist-dominated Supreme Court. From denying the right of Israeli Jews to develop Jewish communities within the 1949 armistice lines on Jewish privately owned land, to protecting Arab traitors from charges of treason, to striking down the government's legal right to determine immigration policies, the Supreme Court has led the charge in ending Israel's right to assert its right to exist as a Jewish state.

Many of these post-Zionist Court decisions were authored by retired Supreme Court president Aharon Barak. In June 2009 Barak admitted, "I'm a big believer in 'a state of all its citizens.'"
Read the whole thing.

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At 2:50 AM, Blogger NormanF said...

Israel's defenseless Defense Minister Ehud Barak wants Israel to offer the PA sweeteners to get them to drop their statehood bid at the UN next month.

Israeli officials seem to believe in the myth that constantly turning the other cheek to the Arabs will make them appreciate Israel. Nothing the Arabs do ever makes a dent in the myth.

What could go wrong indeed


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