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Sunday, August 07, 2011

Barry Rubin responds to Norway

In Sunday's JPost, Barry Rubin responds to the attacks on him by Norway's Foreign Minister and Deputy Foreign Minister.
The Norwegian government and media establishment is not ready to have an honest discussion of these issues. Instead, my article was misrepresented in order to stir up a frenzy that closed ears and shut eyes to what I was saying. Indeed, the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet falsely claimed that I had endorsed the terrorist attack there. Not a single Norwegian reporter or editor made any attempt to contact me since the beginning of this issue to hear my side or to ask my views.

How’s that for constructive dialogue and healing? The blog Israel Matzav sums up my position very well: “Rubin said that this terror attack, committed by a ‘normal Norwegian boy’ [not my words] ought to make Norwegians do some introspection about their government’s support for terror organizations like Hamas. Is Norway giving its youth the wrong message through its support for Hamas? Why is Norway not even willing to ask itself that question?” And the Norwegian reaction is to reiterate – as its ambassador to Israel portrayed his country’s view – that there is a rational reason to murder Israeli children (“occupation,” despite the fact that Israel has withdrawn from all of the Gaza Strip and much of the West Bank, and indicated its readiness to accept a Palestinian state 11 years ago), but not to murder Norwegian children. In other words, one can only discuss the evil Norwegian terrorist in the parameters laid down by the Norwegian Left. One can talk endlessly about how his specific ideology – right-wing, allegedly Christian, and Islamophobic – but not the way he fits into a much wider pattern of rising terrorism in general.
Read the whole thing.


A fuller, unedited version of this article appears here.

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At 5:54 AM, Blogger NormanF said...

In Norway, there is a taboo about being honest.

And the lie is safer than confronting truths about what really led to the event on Uitaya Island this summer.

Barry Rubin deserves to be commended for restating the truth.

At 11:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't understand why Norway has singled out Barry Rubin, when there are other more worthy candidates for the Norwegian Foreign Minister to condemn. Rubin's comments are quite tame compared to those propogating conspiracy theories of a false flag operation, for example.


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