And again: Egypt-Israel gas pipeline sabotaged

Nile television said flames from the blast near the town of Al-Arish could be seen up to 20 kms (12 miles) away. It gave no details on the causes of the explosion or the extent of the damages.Funny, these things didn't happen when Mubarak was in charge.
But MENA, without citing its sources, said there had been an attack on the station that is used to "export Egyptian gas abroad", including supplying Israel. Egypt also sells gas to Jordan and other countries.
The agency said fire trucks were trying to contain the flames and security forces were hunting down those responsible.
It also said a security guard and his family were injured in the blast.
Israel Radio reports based on Egyptian sources that what is at issue here is Bedouin demands for protection money and the Egyptian interim government's refusal to pay it. What could go wrong?
Labels: Egyptian gas pipeline, Egyptian regime change, Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty, Hosni Mubarak
The Muslim Brotherhood is trying to get Israel to attack the Sinai. They are behind these attacks.
Israel is playing it smart. Don't attack and wait. Egypt will attack Israel first (sometime in the fall) and then Israel will be able to regain the Sinai (Begin should have never given it away!).
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