260 new housing units to be built in Itamar?

The report featured a letter from the Section for Settlement within the Prime Minister’s Office, which says: “Following the terror attacks in Itamar, Central District has decided to give precedence to advancing the zoning plan.”I'm glad to see housing units approved and built in Itamar (and anyplace else in Judea and Samaria), but if the intention is to dedicate 10 units to each of the slain members of the Fogel family, I believe that they are worth far, far more than that.
“The plan will include the 210 housing units that were originally planned, with the addition of 50 more units. We ask that the budget be approved.”
According to the report, while Defense Minister Ehud Barak (Independence) has withheld approval of the zoning plan until now, the Section under Netanyahu has decided to move forward with the plan. Knesset members from Left and Right have demanded that the zoning plan be approved.
The Defense Ministry’s reaction to the story was to state that “Itamar is a legal community that was established a long time ago in accordance with a government decision. The Ministry of Defense is working to complete the statutory processes regardless of the murder. Lately staff work has been going on and it will be presented to the Defense Minister upon completion.”
Labels: Fogel family massacre, Itamar, Judea and Samaria construction, zoning approval
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