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Friday, June 24, 2011

Gary Ackerman has some choice words for Hamas

Representative Gary Ackerman (D-NY) has introduced a resolution in Congress calling for the 'immediate and unconditional release' of kidnapped IDF corporal Gilad Shalit. While he was at it, he also had some choice words for Hamas.
“I think it is absolutely essential that the United States keep faith with our Israeli allies and stand with them in calling for the immediate release of IDF Corporal Gilad Shalit. The terrorists in Hamas, it should be recalled, snuck into Israel proper and attacked a group of IDF soldiers for the purpose of kidnapping Corporal Shalit in order to hold him hostage. Descending even further into subhuman barbarity, they have forced him to appear in propaganda videos, they have denied him visits from the Red Cross, they have denied him medical attention, and they have prevented him from sending even so much as a postcard to his parents, or allowing them to contact him.

“Hamas’ stooges can say whatever they want about this blood-soaked bunch of terrorists, but their behavior, in the form of unrelenting violence against Israeli civilians and the disgusting anti-Semitism they spew, shows their true beliefs and their real values. These are not partners for any kind of peace. These are thugs hiding an agenda of hate behind a façade of religious devotion.

“Congress must stand with Israel in calling for Corporal Shalit’s immediate and unconditional release, and I expect many of my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to support this resolution and call for its consideration and adoption by the House.”
Two comments: First, I hope Ackerman used the word "unconditional" in the resolution and not just in the press release. That word is really the key here.

Second, how come we never hear the President talking so bluntly about Hamas?

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At 12:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"how come we never hear the President talking so bluntly about Hamas?"

Because he thinks they are poor oppressed people who can't be held responsible for their actions?

Because he expects Israel to sit at a table with them to be voluntarily screwed?

Because he has no moral compass?


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