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Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Barenboim to conduct in Gaza

Anyone who knows the past of Israeli-born conductor Daniel Barenboim cannot be surprised at the news that he is going to conduct an orchestra in Gaza.
Barenboim, a Palestinian activist, will direct an organization of 25 European musicians on Tuesday, the French news agency AFP reported. The so-called "Orchestra for Gaza" was announced Monday by the United Nations special coordinator for the Middle East peace process.

It marks the first time that Barenboim, who was granted honorary Palestinian citizenship, will visit Gaza. He and the musicians are set to enter Gaza from Egypt through the Rafah crossing, according to AFP.

Barenboim has played for Palestinians in the West Bank on several occasions. He was refused entry to Gaza through Israel on several occasions; it is illegal for Israelis to enter Gaza.

Barenboim lives in Berlin and, in addition to being a citizen of Israel, also is a citizen of Argentina and Spain.
I wonder if he's going to play Wagner again. At least this time it would be appropriate for the audience.

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At 7:17 AM, Blogger Michael W. said...

Barenboim was born in Argentina.


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