Zoabi calls for third intifada

Zoabi told a reporter that “I hope [the Palestinians] will start a large popular struggle that is political and strategic, similar to the first intifada and not the second.” She explained that “the second intifada was more violent, while the first was good. Tahrir Square in Egypt must be the new model for Arab youth – I would like them to initiate a popular struggle against the siege, because occupiers cannot expect to live normal lives.”Zoabi was a passenger on the terrorist-sponsored Mavi Marmara last May, after which she was the subject of some parliamentary sanctions but was not totally stripped of her parliamentary immunity.
In response, Schneller said Zoabi should be stripped of her parliamentary immunity and put on trial for calling for rebellion.
“Zoabi crossed the line a long time ago, and democratic immunity cannot be allowed to continue to harm the State of Israel and its citizens,” he complained. “I intend to demand that Knesset legal advisor Eyal Inon probe her statements, and if there have in fact been calls to rebellion, to strip her immunity and try her.”
Debbie Schlussel reports that the US is headed in the direction of having Zoabi's in Congress and points to Representative (Jihad) Darrell Issa (R-Cal) as a prime example of a terror-supporting members of Congress (Issa supports Hezbullah). She also has Otniel Schneller pegged well.
Read it all.
Labels: Darrell Issa, Hanin Zoabi, Otniel Schneller
This is ridiculous. Zoabi really needs to be arrested for treason or exiled.
Zoabi needs to be hung on a scaffold in front of the Knesset. Public invited.
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