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Thursday, April 07, 2011

US still opposed to 'statehood' via the UN

The United States remains unalterably opposed to the 'Palestinians' gaining a 'state' except by negotiations.
As expectations increase that the Palestinians will seek a UN resolution on the issue this September, Ross disparaged the idea as unhelpful not only to the overall diplomatic environment, but to advancing the Palestinians’ own goals. “This doesn’t make it more likely that there’ll be a Palestinian state,” he said.

Instead Ross reiterated the need for Palestinians and Israelis to engage directly, particularly given the regime-toppling occurring in the region. He said that young and emerging leaderships needed to see that Israel could make peace with the Palestinians and that negotiations were a course for achieving results.

“It’s important that they see that peace is a possibility,” he said. “They need to see that negotiations can not only take place, but they can produce.”

For that to happen, he said, each side needed to show that it understood the other’s needs and realities, including the Palestinians providing assurances over Israel’s very real security needs.

In addition, he said, “The Palestinians need to see that they can have an independent state that’s contiguous and viable.”

Despite the regional confusion and the stalemate between Israelis and Palestinians, Ross declared that “one thing in this period of uncertainty that is certain is our relationship with Israel, bound with a set of shared values and interests.”

He continued, “The commitment to Israel’s security is unshakable and ironclad. It’s not just words. We are giving it life and meaning each day.”

He noted the very real risks, particularly Iran, and emphasized America’s intention to make sure Iran doesn’t acquire a nuclear weapon.
Does the President agree? Read the whole thing.

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At 12:10 PM, Blogger NormanF said...

The problem is the Palestinians see they're paying no real cost for defying the US.

And since they have the rest of the world in their pocket, they're not too worried about upsetting Israel, which at the moment lacks the will to stop them.

They're going to go for broke.

At 2:49 PM, Blogger Sunlight said...

I wonder whether the disdain that Goldstone has reaped for participating with the genocidal internationals has had an effect on Dennis Ross when it comes to participating with the Obami... If you start digging into Obama's dreams from his marxist/sharia father and cousin (Odinga) and all his marcuse/alinsky new left marxist comrades, I would say that we are way too tame in our assessments of motives and future probabilities. Dennis Ross may be deciding to, once again, show us the size and depth of the pool we're in.


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