Married to the 'Palestinians'

I noticed something in a New York Times article. Eulogizing him, the deputy mayor of his hometown said that Arrigoni had “married Palestine.” That is well put. And I was reminded of something Jimmy Carter once said. He long ago fell under the sway of Palestinianism, and is in fact a leader of it. In 2009, he accepted an award from the PLO. And he said, “I have been in love with the Palestinian people for many years.” Those words are revealing. Ordinarily, we consider individuals lovable, or not. But there are those who fall in love with an entire people, believing in that people’s martyrdom, or essential holiness.By the way, a Jordanian Arab living in the Gaza Strip has been arrested for Arrigoni's murder. No, his Mommy doesn't believe he could do anything like that either.
Palestinians are surely the most condescended to people in the world, aren’t they? I remember a lunch I once had with a noted British arts administrator. She said how much she hated the Israelis, who had been so beastly to “my Palestinians.” I was struck by that phrase: “my Palestinians.” She said it as though she might have been saying “my doggies and my kitties.”
Alia Sawaadeh, the mother of the most-wanted man in the Gaza Strip, Jordanian Abdul-Rahaman al Barizat, accused of having strangled Vittorio Arrigoni, has said her son is not a member of any terrorist organization. That is what her son told her when she warned him to be careful in choosing his friends. "I do not know if he has lied to me about his affiliations," said Sawaadeh, "I have not seen him for two years." . .About 70% of Jordanians are... you guessed it: 'Palestinian.' Anyone want to take a bet?
Labels: Jimmy Carter, Vittorio Arrigoni
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