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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

City of David excavations cause problems: They prove the City belongs to Jews

Haaretz has a lengthy article complaining about the exposure of a sewage tunnel from the Temple Mount to the City of David (Silwan). Haaretz complains about the 'political' manner in which the archaeological excavations are being carried out, but what really concerns them is that the tunnel proves Josephus' narrative that Jews controlled Jerusalem, and that Jews tried to flee from the Roman armies who destroyed the Second Temple. Read the whole thing.

Yaacov Lozowick has some important comments here.

If you check back here later, I hope to have a video tour of the City of David excavations (the one that's mentioned in the Haaretz article). Unfortunately, it's Hebrew only.

Let's go to the videotape.

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At 1:00 PM, Blogger aparatchik said...

Are we really having to confirm contemporary accounts like Josephus? Was he a Zionist stooge?


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