Who kills Muslims?

Furthermore, the linkage argument has allowed a dereliction of responsibility for anything that happens outside of Israel‘s few square kilometers, which is equivalent to less than one seven-hundredth of the Arab world. Even the term “Middle East conflict” is negligent in that it stresses the singularity and uniqueness of our conflict, perhaps even one of the least bloody and destructive, in a region that has seen dozens of recent and ongoing conflicts.The unfortunate reality is that there is no rational basis to the manner in which the ills of the world are blamed on our dispute with the 'Palestinians.' But then, you all knew that already.
In fact, of the 11 million Muslims that have been killed in violent conflicts since the middle of the last century when the state of Israel was created, less than one-tenth of 1 percent of Muslims were killed in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian or Israeli-Arab conflict. However, more than 90 percent of all Muslims killed during the same time period were killed by fellow Muslims.
While I am sure that the majority of the residents of the Middle East, including Israelis, would desperately like to see peace between Israel and the Palestinians, unfairly overloading the pressure to sign a peace agreement makes it that much harder.
Labels: linkage, Muslim anti-Semitism
In the grander scheme of the things, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is best an irritant. What the world refuses to grasp is that not all conflicts have a solution. Israel's making suicidal concessions won't alter in the slightest the turmoil besetting the Arab World and it may be decades before that turmoil is finally resolved.
And if Netanyahu offered still another peace initiative, there is not the slightest chance the Palestinians or other Arabs would take him up on it. Israeli leaders' pursuit of peace at any price a la the so-called peace process, has obscured the fact that peace is quite impossible to attain in our own lifetime.
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