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Monday, January 03, 2011

Why you should read Israel Matzav instead of the Times or WaPo for news about the Middle East

At The American Thinker, Leo Rennert comes up with eight stories from our region that the New York Times and Washington Post both did not cover between December 24 and December 30. I am pleased to note that I covered seven of them. The eighth one - the story about Hamas torturing African refugees on the way to Israel - broke on the day I was traveling back to Israel (As an aside, Leo gave other mainstream media sources credit for six or seven of the eight stories - the only one that was not clearly an MSM source was Rick Richman's Commentary piece last Thursday. Maybe bloggers should get more credit for spreading the stories next time).

Why weren't these stories covered by the Times and the Post? Rennert explains.
So why did the Times and the Post engage in such conspicuous self-censorship? Because their editors and reporters are determined to paint Israel as the main obstacle to the peace process, while hiding the darker, anti-peace aspects of the Palestinian side -- both Hamas in Gaza and Mahmoud Abbas and his Fatah party in the West Bank.

Above all, Abbas's rule has to be prettied up because the papers' news sections are heavily invested in painting him as a bona fide peace partner. So corruption, repression, anti-Semitic and anti-Israel incitement, glorification of terrorist killers, denial of historic Jewish ties to Jerusalem and Hebron, and other problematic patterns of Abbas's rule must be carefully hidden from Post and Times readers.

What makes such silence -- such self-censorship -- even more egregious and blatantly obvious is that these are two newspapers that do not hesitate to expose repression under Putin in Russia, corruption under Karzai in Afghanistan, and Mubarak's autocracy in Egypt. Yet, Abbas's rule in the West Bank fits exactly the same patterns -- but fails to make the news pages of the New York Times and the Washington Post.

Bottom line: the Palestinian side is treated with kid gloves; Israel with the gloves off.

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At 8:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You might also be interested in:

Israeli Press:The NYT and Israel, by Atty. Elyakim Haetzni

At 12:26 PM, Blogger NormanF said...

Khaled Abu Toameh also points out that Israel with its democratic freedoms and open press is treated far more harshly than the PA, with its unelected leadership and state-controlled media. That's why one shouldn't rely on the MSM to reveal the full truth about the two societies. And there's no evidence for the proposition that if the Palestinians get a state, it will be different from every other Arab autocracy in the Middle East.

None whatsoever.


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