Don't miss this: A virtual tour of the Shepherd's Hotel complex

Yaakov Lozowick wandered around the area on Tuesday, and provides a virtual tour that will bring the place to life for you.
Set aside the legal aspects of the matter, not because they aren't interesting, but because they've been set aside by all the negotiating parties for at least the past decade. When on December 24th 2000 President Clinton slowly dictated his terms for peace to a group of Israeli and Palestinian negotiators, he determined that Jerusalem would be divided along the lines of ethnic division, irrespective of which part of the town had been in which country prior to its unification under Israel in 1967; his proposed lines would have had some Jordanian areas incorporated to Israel, and some Israeli ones incorporated to Palestine. Ever since then the principle of division along the ethnic lines has been the single option discussed in all relevant forums, effectively overriding earlier discussions of history, legality, morality or what have you.Read the whole thing. It's completely illustrated.
I have written repeatedly about how this practical solution is not practical, and indeed should anyone ever try to impose it, the imposition will inevitably lead to violence bloodshed and eventually back to war .... I have demonstrated this on various parts of town.... Today I suggest we have a close look at the situation on the ground at the Shepherd Hotel compound.
Labels: Jerusalem construction, Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, Sheikh Jarrah, Shepherd's Hotel
The Arabs themselves would prefer to live in a united Jerusalem. I see no chance the city's residents will ever vote to have it divided and such a division could only be imposed by force. And Israeli politicians know the chances of the IDF being able to enforce an arbitrary line in the city are precisely zero.
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