What our goal should be in Iran

This is
And fourth, we should begin to make the case and agree on a feasible plan for the use of force. When there is a credible threat of force -- not occupation or invasion, but strikes sufficient to hobble Iran's nuclear program, military and Revolutionary Guard -- the decision-making calculus may change. What of the notion that the nation will rally around the flag if attacked? Well, that depends on the nature of the assault and, moreover, how far the regime has alienated the Iranian people by its serial killings, jailings and prison rapes. There is good reason to believe that a wide anti-government coalition views the regime as illegitimate and acting in ways contrary to its stated Islamic precepts. In these circumstances, an attack would serve as a tipping point rather than a rallying point.
The goal should be to do what we can to accelerate the regime's collapse while we work to retard or force surrender of its nuclear program. Yes, this requires a complete rethinking of our strategy, such as it is, to use sanctions and talk to induce an ideologically driven regime to give up its calling card to international influence. We should get started as soon as possible, before the current approach does any further damage to the Green Movement and to our prospects for defanging Iran.
Maybe in 2013. I don't see it happening before then.
Read the whole thing.
Labels: Iranian nuclear program, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
"Yes, this requires a complete rethinking of our strategy, such as it is, to use sanctions and talk to induce an ideologically driven regime to give up its calling card to international influence." I think that knowing what every reasonably well-informed person knows, it'd be completely naive to expect anything on earth would induce the Mullah Regime of giving up it's nuclear weapons program. Only a vigorous Western military action can eliminate it.
"Maybe in 2013. I don't see it happening before then." And it's not going to be done by America, anyway, not with Obama & Co. in the White House.
On an unrelated topic, those who use Google's G Mail, which includes Carl, might want to read this London Daily Mail article "Why do we let this creepy company called Google spy on our emails?" The stuff discussed is why I don't use Google, Microsoft or anyone else's "free" email service.
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